
Raised - $78,354.00 / $126,500.00


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Success Stories

Priya’s Story
“I always saw children going to school but never dreamt that I will be amongst them one day”

Direct Action with Children

10 August, 2015Posted In : About Us

The participation of children is fundamental to the achievement of our objectives at CHETNA. Through READ MORE

Sensitizing Stakeholders

10 August, 2015Posted In : About Us

We cannot change the situation that Street and Working Children find themselves in without changingt READ MORE


10 August, 2015Posted In : About Us

We use advocacy as a tool to make a positive impact on policy making and bring about the desired ref READ MORE

  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    Chetna’s goal of creating a child-friendly society that upholds their rights intrigues me greatly. Children who receive support and education from Chetna can set their own goals for a life free from poverty. Being an intern here has changed my life, and it warms my heart to see these kids smile because of them. Being a part of this organization is fantastic.

    Prabhat Singh (Masters in Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia )
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    It has indeed been a privilege and honour to have been able to help these beautiful young souls in Chetna and work with them as an intern for a great cause. The work of Chetna to help street-connected children and ensure their rights is commendable. It gives a platform to these children and ensures their holistic development. Thank you Chetna for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your program in helping these children.

    Jyoti Rani (Masters in Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    It was a pleasure to work with CHETNA. It provides a safe space for interns to express themselves and their skills. It gave me the opportunity to work with street children and learn about their problems firsthand. All of the staff at the organisation are extremely cooperative, helpful, and supportive, allowing us to excel and expand our knowledge. My involvement and engagement in the project Street Intervention for Protection and Education were fantastic because not only did I learn about the project’s operation, but I was also able to contribute something to society and the organisation.

    Uday Kumar Saw (MA Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    CHETNA is a credible NGO which is making maximum impact in its community. I would tell potential donors that here is an opportunity; we can ensure that every street child gets off the street, and if we can’t get them off the street we can give them an opportunity to make their lives better, so come forward and partner with CHETNA.

    Manju Dhasmana (Community Affairs Manager, Microsoft India)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    I had a wonderful experience working for a few months with CHETNA. I have taught children in the UK for many years and have never come across any children as talented and inspirational as the children being empowered by CHETNA. They really are changing the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalised children in society so please support them and help them continue this vital work.

    Hugh Scott (Volunteer)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    Thanks to CHETNA I now dare to dream. I dream of becoming a successful businessman, inspiring others to dream and to never give up on their dreams.

    Rehman (beneficiary of CHETNA)