Badhte Kadam – a federation of street connected children

Badhte Kadam, which translates into English as “stepping forward”, is a unique federation of street connected children we helped found in 2002. It was established to empower street connected children, joining them together to have a collective voice and fight for their rights. Since then, Badhte Kadam has gone from strength to strength spreading across seven districts in North India with over 10,000 members, achieving both national and international recognition for its campaigns for child rights.

Badhte Kadam has gained accolades worldwide for bringing out its fully operational unique monthly newsletter Balaknama, which highlights the concerns of street connected children from various parts of the country. Established with a view to promote child participation, Badhte Kadam thrives in a democratic structure under the supervision and mentorship of CHETNA. Leaders of Badhte Kadam are invited for various local, national and international forums to present their experiences and opinions as representatives of street connected children.

Click here to visit Badhte Kadam’s dedicated website.