Street Talk

In 2017, CHETNA initiated Street Talk- an annual event that provides platform to street connected children and youth to narrate their journeys of surviving on the streets. Loaded with struggles, emotions, perseverance and sometimes, life turning opportunities, these stories enable the public to understand the scuffles of these children. Held every year on the occasion of International Street Children’s Day (12th April) in Delhi, the event observes the presence of officials, general public, media and children in huge numbers, and has gathered immense appreciation for its innovation and impact.

Child protection measures are rigorously undertaken to ensure consent and anonymity of the participants. CHETNA strongly encourages at-risk children and youth from across the country to participate in the talk as speakers or spectators of the event.

Click here for the audio-invite to Street Talk 2019.

Click here to listen to the story of a street-connected girl, a participant of Street Talk 2019.