Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR-CHETNA-PHD-chamber-organized-consultationWe are always looking to partner with other organisations to help us achieve our goals. If you are an organisation looking to work with an NGO who are really making a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable children in our society then look no further than CHETNA.

Whether it be through providing equipment for the children, training our staff, assisting us financially or spending time with the children themselves, we would be delighted to have you on board.

We have partnered with Aviva, Microsoft, Abhinav Outsourcing Pvt Ltd as financial partner and providing ample opportunities for employees engagement, and volunteering on regular basis to  corporate like Tata Sustainability Group, Deloitte, & Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Company Ltd etc.

Clik here to see Share to Care-Microsoft support to Open Basic Education center CHETNA